If your stuff is not there (all of it) AND you show the transfer is done,
then let us know. With that, we need to make sure that WE let people
know that we are aware that not everyone talking about other sites is spamming, and
we are not deleting peoples posts because they are saying things we don't like, but
we are deleting the spammers.I say that because it would be impossible to deny that
we are/have been/will be deleting posts. We cannot charge someone for something new if it
does not work. This new site is not hard to understand, but you can't just
start "fooling around" trying to use it and expect to be able to get anywhere.
Rumors: half-truths, spam and false information...trade fees.Rumors are great. Once people grasp that they will
grasp everything. We are not here to hide things. However, I would venture to say
99.9% of it fit one of those two things. Don't look for a page of
links anywhere. We love the hobby, too. It's taking a long time, and it's not
going to be fixed "right now." The system is working through them, and will continue
to do so, and we will keep doing all we can to help the process
along. Industries that ignore this fact are destined for mediocrity, or even extinction. Everything has
it's own page-from top-level general pages (Baseball, Upper Deck, Football, Topps-on and on) all the
way down to an individual player. When my daughter was coming, and right after she
was born, I had to put together 453 things, and not once did I use
the directions.This web site is not like that. It's all different. Don't just say something
"sucks" because you don't instantly understand it. Anyone familiar with the trading card industry is
at least somewhat familiar with Beckett Media. Spammers are roughly the same people that try
to sell you something during your dinner, or flood your email inbox with junk mail.They
are not helping the situation, and if everyone took the time to understand all of
this new stuff, they would be driven out just as they are anywhere else. Stop
asking where this or that is. Please don't say, "it sucks," unless you can tell
us WHY it sucks.Message board traders, we know you don't like the change...but try to
look on the bright side...more people to trade with now...more interest = potential to grow
the entire hobby...*Gasp!* Does that mean more money for Beckett? Of course it does. Does
that increase our revenue...you bet it does! More traders = more trades = more revenue
-pretty simple concept.The thing we missed, and not intentionally, was to say, "Trading is free
UNTIL AT LEAST THE END OF 2008, please go try it out."Again, it was taken
as a bait and switch, or a scam, or a trick...which it was not. Their
underlying message to customers is to give their redesigned website a chance before bad mouthing
it and heading elsewhere. The new Beckett Website is destined to introduce the hobby to
legions of new Zapatillas Puma collectors who would have otherwise never been exposed to the hobby.Beckett recently
wrote an informative post on their blog in which they wrote a controversial (but informative)
analysis of the situation. You have to slow down long enough to grasp the concept,
and once you do I swear you will understand it.With that, there is no way
in heck I can say you will LIKE it.That would be terribly arrogant and big-government-ish.
It very well may not happen then, but for sure it will not happen before
then.We need the feedback. The vast majority of the people here are here for that
same reason.That is the same reason many of YOU came to the boards on Beckett.com,
you love the hobby. There were issues nobody could have predicted that snowballed...a vicious cycle
started.How is one supposed to learn how to do something when there is no way
to get to the teacher?Our complete apologies on that, we know it was a mess!
We are not hiding from it. I promise you that.4. If you people could see
my paycheck you would wonder why I'd work here-it's called love. The world is not
getting any less dependent on technology or the Internet. We want to improve on the
trade function. This is the wave of the future...eventually that is. However, I have to
address everyone, and it's often the "squeaky wheel" you have to aim at, and hope
that the level-headed ones in the crowd don't get offended.We know about yesterday, no need
to deny it, or hide it. Be patient. It's often hard for a "newb" (forgive
me if that is not the current term, I am soooo 2005) to start up
on message boards, and some people flat out hate talking (writing) at all.That is not
to say our boards were rough places at all. It's too bad it "broke" yesterday,
because when all that happened...chaos ensued amongst some folks. Plain and simple. Things just broke.
The new features are numerous and are at the very least worth trying. After all,
I am not known as the sharpest pencil in the box, but at least I
am sharp enough to know that I am not.Slow down and take the time to
figure it out. This is a new type of message board, one that is not
exclusive...it is all-inclusive. This is not a revamped Beckett.com, and this is probably not like
anything you have used before...anywhere. You have to change your entire thinking process, and thankfully,
adopting the new one is not hard-it is just different.Just think that this is your
very first time on Beckett.com, this is your very first time for everything here (well,
there I mean).Take the time to learn what it is, and how to do it,
before you make a, "This sucks!" post.Having said that, and this is terribly important, we
understand completely that many people were not able to even do what I just said
yesterday. It's all gone. We want you to try the trade tools while they are
free. It's all new. It stunk requin tn (or "sucked" since we read that 200+ times), but
it is at very least a good sign there are more folks in the hobby
than anyone thought. It was quite confusing, even to some of us.Everything on the site
is integrated. Also, older folks are still collectors, you darn kids out there cannot forget
that. Take the time to watch the videos, ask the right questions, and you will
"get it." It is not at all a hard concept, if I can understand it,
then a 3 year old can. We want to make it better. You may have
grown up with that concept, but other people didn't and are not comfortable with it.We
wanted everyone to trade, not just the message board people...everyone. We had no intention of
starting to charge next week, or next month. We are.If there is cursing (another thing
that broke was our cursing filter)-DELETED. Technologically Challenged? Can't figure out how to complete a
trade or view the pricing on that brand new Jay Bruce RC Auto you just
pulled? No problem, just check out their virtual library of free video tutorials or post
a message in one of their support forums.The overall improvements made to their site are
substantial and should be a catalyst for continued long term success as the hobby becomes
more and more dependent on technology and the Internet. However, understanding it is the key
to explaining what it is you don't like...not a post of "This sucks."Again, there is
much I am writing today that may not apply directly to you. Beckett has become
synonymous with the hobby itself and their pricing is the standard by which most sellers
and dealers price their cards. If a post is spam-DELETED.If a legit person makes a
real and clean statement and got deleted, that was a mistake and sorry. I am
probably the worst person in the world about that. Collection Queue- It should not have
taken this long.You are right. For every "you suck," (OK, maybe for every 5 of
those) there was a note from another person about how they understood because they had
been there (in another company obviously) before in a site launch and seen what can
happen when something breaks.The site works...but it sure didn't yesterday afternoon. If people hide things,
then eventually they are found out and the problem is WAY worse than it would
have been had the truth been told in the first place.5. The price guides- they
are there, they are everywhere. Way too many people just got on the new site
and started doing things without using the tutorials. This is great reading for anyone effected
by Beckett's new site - especially those collectors who remain skeptical, confused and/or bitter regarding
the changes. Recently they went live with their highly publicized redesigned site. You may only
want to come to Beckett.com for one thing, but that entire concept is dead and
gone. Eventually there will be fees to trade, we are not hiding that. Some people
were not bothered, they understood. It's not like anywhere people have ever been before (most
of them).Throw away all the methods you used to use. This is a hardware issue,
not a problem of the site, and we are doing all we can to get
it hammered back into place.The Cardboard Connection is the internet's fastest growing interactive source for
daily news and articles on Trading Cards and Memorabilia. We cannot have a certain group
of members trading and nobody else.So, go play with it, see what could be done
better, and let us know about it. They were pretty darn civilized, and do not
fit the overwhelming stereotype that so many message boards have. Flooding us with "how long"
questions is only going to make you madder, and us more exhausted.The information is there,
it is just not moving very fast right now. This new site is a totally
new CONCEPT, and it works, but you have to understand HOW to use it. :)Everything
fits together. The "message boards" are gone. There is an entire industry devoted to rumors
and half-truths-it's called the mass media...not Beckett Media.We dropped the ball on something and did
not realize we were doing it due to all of the madness, messages and crashing.Beckett
Media is not in the business of the bait-and-switch. The pricing is there. To be
completely honest, we are not sure it will happen Jan 1, 2009. It should not
have. This is a business. Deleted posts (goes with the #3 the rumors)Has anyone noticed
the same messages being repeated in all of our discussion boards? There are a few
spammers from other forums trying to capture traffic-ignore them as you would any other spammer.
Asking where things are from the old site are pointless now, they are gone. After
the initial shock however, many collectors are jumping on the New Beckett.com Bandwagon.Beckett has been
scrambling to do damage control in an attempt to slow down the mass exodus of
collectors headed to other forums and websites. We want you to like them, and we
want feedback on how to improve them.Trading has long been confined to the message boards.
Many collectors who initially scoffed at the Next Generation of Beckett.com are, upon closer inspection,
using the site more then ever. Long rows of links do not exist anymore.The search
bar is everything on the new Beckett.com. The results were initially quite disastrous with collectors
jumping ship in droves. You may be one of the many who has given us
rational feedback, and we are listening and sincerely thank you for it. (yes, that is
100% spin).2. Regardless of how you feel about Beckett's overhall it will benefit the hobby
long term. It broke, we're sorry, and we are fixing it.3. Here is an exerpt
from the post:1. Many people, for whatever reason, are hesitant to join a message board
due to the often clannish behavior on them. Making up your mind on a broken
product is not helping anyone. We proudly feature exclusive content from 5 of the top
bloggers in the industry, along with extensive daily news coverage from across the industry..
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