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By decluttering the family room you make these activities more enjoyable and spontaneous.The living room
should be your special area for guests. You are never going to wear those
shoes with the broken heel. And you'll get a tax deduction too!Don't just purge your
closets until they are not overflowing. Dump the "fat" clothes and dump the weight.Give them
all away. Purge your space and the fat will disappear too.The possessions cluttering
your space are similar to the fat on your body. Purging your bedroom space may
even liven up your sex life!Attack your closets. Imagine how much fuller your life would
be if you could invite friends and loved ones over on the spur of the
moment without stressing about where you will entertain them.Can you actually fit your cars in
the garage ? If you can, congratulations - you are in the minority. Get
out a couple of scented candles and take a hot, relaxing bath. If not, wouldn't
it be so much better to use the garage to neatly store your sports equipment,
bicycles, gardening supplies, and power tools. Any clutter and disorganization in your life will Tn Requin sabotage
the lifestyle changes you are working so hard to adopt to lose weight. Do you
really need all those suits now that your workplace has gone business casual?What about the
20 tacky T-shirts from various vacation spots that seemed like "got to have" souvenirs at
the time?Purging your bedroom means being realistic about getting rid of clothes holding you back
from reaching your weight loss goals. Imagine how you will look forward to preparing and
consuming healthy food in this environment!Next is your bedroom . A comfortable, uncluttered eating
area. Or the ugly sweater you got from your Mom for Christmas. Do you really
need all of those gadgets on your countertop? Wouldn't it be better to have plenty
of space for preparing food? Strive for a pantry stocked with healthy foods that are
easily located for any recipe. Visualize how much calmer your mornings will be now that
you can easily put together outfits that fit and look great on you.Celebrate this achievement
as the "turning over a new leaf" that it is. It will be liberating. Wouldn't
it be so calming to come home to a clean, organized, clutter-free home?We 925 silver often acquire
physical possessions to substitute for unmet emotional needs . Clear the clutter if you
are trying to lose weight. Realize this will not be easy. It should be the
room where your relationship thrives. Imagine how much easier it would be to play catch
with your kids or plant some new flowers if everything was in easy reach and
in workable condition.Some people get very emotional during this process. Leave empty space for the
new clothes you will be buying to fit your slim new body. A peaceful retreat,
conducive to restful sleep and relaxing baths. Take that as a sign that you are
purging your home of emotional baggage.After the PurgeCongratulate yourself when you are finished decluttering. They
are inhibiting the lifestyle changes that you need to make to lose weight permanently.What about
the family room ? This is where your family gathers to watch TV, play
games, or read together. An organized refrigerator full of colorful fresh fruits and vegetables. But
the old clothes are not helping. Purge your bedroom and make it the sanctuary you
deserve. Is going to the mall a regular family outing? No doubt including a stop
at the Food Court.Do you really need or want all that stuff cluttering your space
and closets? In these difficult economic times wouldn't you rather see your bank account grow?
And your credit card balances shrink along with your waistline?Purge Every RoomStart naturally with the
kitchen . What does throwing away junk have to do with weight loss? Your
physical living and working space are a reflection of your state of mind. Now you
can replace the time you formerly spent shopping for more stuff with other activities that
fit in with your new healthy lifestyle and quest to lose weight for life.How about
taking a walk with your spouse? Or helping your kids with a school project? Or
calling that old friend you've been meaning to catch up with? Or making a shopping
list of the healthy foods you need to fill those blank spaces in your pantry
and refrigerator? Or preparing a colorful healthy meal?I bet you feel less fat already, certainly
less cluttered, and maybe you were so enthused you even forgot to snack!by Diane Gilabert
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